《你好!护士小姐》资佰作品展 第十四届平遥国际摄影大展

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2013底,我在陕西一个地级城市的主街道护拦上发现了这个由美女护士代言的美容整形广告,清纯美丽的美女形象总是能吸引过往的行人们的眼球,画面上的广告词“驻入年轻密码,清除岁月痕迹。” 整条主街一公里长,80多块护栏广告牌都在坚持不懈地传达着这一美丽的诉求。我用好“色”的眼光边走边看,等看到相同内容的下一幅广告画面时,发现画面中的美女护士已被人涂鸦,再走,又发现美女护士的脸上被盖上了办证的电话号码,再看下一幅,美女护士的脸只剩下了一半……。 她的凝视变成一种形象,这种形象又被淹没在自我增殖的图像世界中。图像不再闪现灵韵,不再包含隐喻,不再具有所指。这些图像被遗弃在指向自身的日常当中,成为隐形的对象。它们被修改,涂鸦,被写上包含其它信息的话语,然后又一并被抹去。日常的表面成为了权力争夺的战场,这些权力又因自身的重复而变得无害和透明,最后成为了日常的背景噪声。当然,和所有的日常一样,它们在迅速的老化,期待着自身的死亡。面对这些为了消失而存在的日常,我只能礼貌的说一声,你好!护士小姐。

Hello, Miss Nurse

At the end of 2013, I found a series of posters on the guardrails of a main street in a prefecture-level city of Shaanxi Province. The images of beautiful nurse attracted the attention of pedestrians passing by. The advertisement message is that reads “Input Password of the Young and Clean Traces of Aging”. More than 80 advertisement posters stood throughout the one-kilometer street, and reflect the beauty need of people day and night. When I walked and admired the beauty of the nurse, I found on the next poster the face of the nurse was doodled. Then I keep walking, and I found her face was covered by illegal advertisement of offering fake certificates.  When I continued walking, I also found the beautiful nurse only had half face… The gaze of her beautiful eyes gave people an impression, but the impression diluted by the repeat pictures of her. At last, the image lost its charm, metaphor, and specific meaning.  These posters were forced to incorporate with other elements into daily context, and become invisible. They were modified, doodled, and covered by other words and massages, and then vanished together. The faces of everyday items have become a fiery battlefield of various powers. However, the powers are harmless and invisible because of its repeat, and become the noise or background of our daily life. Certainly, like other daily goods, these images are rapidly aging, and expecting their death. When I face these everyday goods that exist and shall vanish, the only thing I can do is saying politely: Hello, Miss Nurse.